A young child standing in the center of plastic pollution in her environment. She pokes the towering pile of waste with a stick.

Your continued donations keep SimpleCycle running!

Help keep the mission alive! Everything sent to us helps keep our environment clean, and goes directly into maintaining and recycling programs nationwide, and our operations.

A river of floating plastic waste and pollution mixed with the environment and wood.

SimpleCycle is in the fight to keep our planet green, and plastic from fading that color away. Please consider making a donation to support our efforts, and operations.

A young boy standing on a pile of accumulated plastic film and plastic pollution in his environment looking sad.

Anything you can offer would go a long way, and would be greatly valued. The more funding we generate the more we are able to place, not only into our recycling efforts, but also to cleaning up plastic found in our environment.

Your donation goes to:

  • Our operational cost of plastic recycling
  • Environmental cleanup programs
  • Tree planting
  • Plastic recycling research
  • Local community sustainability programs

Support our clean environment movement!

Please help us further our mission in creating a more sustainable world, plastic free environment, and healthy living.

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